The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks given at Mountain Hermitage
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2022-02-18 Reflection & Instructions 51:19
Kristina Bare
Mountain Hermitage 2 Week ONLINE Samatha-Vipassana Retreat for Experienced Students

2022-02-17 Dhamma Talk - Sila 44:40
Kristina Bare
Mountain Hermitage 2 Week ONLINE Samatha-Vipassana Retreat for Experienced Students

2022-02-17 More Instructions on Concentration 43:49
Marcia Rose
Mountain Hermitage 2 Week ONLINE Samatha-Vipassana Retreat for Experienced Students

2022-02-17 Guided Sit - Concentration 67:30
Marcia Rose
Mountain Hermitage 2 Week ONLINE Samatha-Vipassana Retreat for Experienced Students

2022-02-16 Samvega - Spiritual Urgency 1:13:48
Marcia Rose
Mountain Hermitage 2 Week ONLINE Samatha-Vipassana Retreat for Experienced Students

2022-02-16 Early Morning Introductions and Metta Chant 33:32
Marcia Rose
Mountain Hermitage 2 Week ONLINE Samatha-Vipassana Retreat for Experienced Students

2022-02-16 Settling In Instructions 58:42
Marcia Rose
Mountain Hermitage 2 Week ONLINE Samatha-Vipassana Retreat for Experienced Students

2022-01-08 To Begin and To Continue 37:14
Brian Lesage
Mountain Hermitage Samadhi and Insight Online Meditation Retreat

2022-01-08 Appreciative Joy - Mudita: An Introduction and Guided Meditation 36:10
Brian Lesage
Mountain Hermitage Samadhi and Insight Online Meditation Retreat

2021-12-11 Q&A Session 23:53
Venerable Dhammadipa
Mountain Hermitage 2021 December 5 - 12 Samatha Concentration Retreat with Venerable Dhammadipa

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